Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Arts Finale - Final Details

Children will need:
* Full school uniform
* Packed lunch and drink (named)
* Warm jersey/jacket
* Sunhat if weather is like today!!
* Any medications or inhalers to Mrs Campbell first thing Thursday morning

Parent Helpers
Please meet Kohara at the Sound Garden at 10.55am
The class will go straight there after the bus arrives for our first performance
Please see Mrs Campbell for information sheet and phone list when you arrive there (or you can get it first thing in the morning from school if that's easier)
Main priority is keeping the children together as a group especially when moving between areas and assisting with taking children to the toilets as needed.

Important Information
If you are taking your child away from the Kohara group at any stage of the day you MUST let Mrs Campbell know as she is keeping the master list of our children.
Mrs O'Sullivan is on duty as stage manager of the Amphitheatre Area so will not be with Kohara for parts of the day.

Road crossings must be done at the supervised crossings - please role model this for the children.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Calendar Art

Here's a sneak preview of some of our calendar art this year. You can see more on display in town next week also.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Mufti Day/Odd Shoe Day - Friday 11 September

This Friday is mufti day and odd shoe day - mismatched shoes sounds like lots of fun!
Gold coin donation goes towards Camp Quality - helping children with cancer.

School Photos Tomorrow - Thursday 10th September!

We have our class and individual photos tomorrow - Thursday 10 September.
Children to wear red school t shirts and navy shorts for the boys or summer culottes for the girls.
No long sleeved tops to be worn underneath the school t shirts please.
Clean and tidy uniforms.

Week 8 (7-11 September)

School Photos
Class photos are this Thursday 10 September. Children must wear clean and tidy school uniform. Boys to be wearing navy shorts and a red Waimairi School top and girls preferably in the summer culottes with the red t shirt. Children must not be wearing any visible polyprops or thermal long sleeved tops under their school uniforms please. If girls are wearing tights - navy is preferred.

Mufti Day
This Friday 11 September there is a mufti day at school as well as an odd shoe day. Please bring a gold coin donation for Camp Quality. We look forward to seeing what crazy shoe combinations arrive in Kohara!

Classroom Release
Kohara children have either PE with Mr Lukes (Room 19) or Art with Mrs McHaffie (Room 18) on Thursday from 9-10.30am.

Staff Planning Day
Due to a staff planning day on Friday, Kohara will have Ms Kelk and Tania Stott relieving for the day.

Arts Finale in the City
Next Thursday we have our school pop up Arts Finale in the city. We look forward to seeing you all there. Programmes/timetables will be out next week and families are encouraged to make the most of the free double decker bus to travel in and out of town. The children will bus in with their classes on normal buses.

As part of this day Kohara will be sharing some of our Visual Art from this term which is linked to different myths and legends that we have been reading. We have also re-told the legends for writing and will be reading these on the day. Plus we have a waiata to share and our children will also be sharing some of our Junior Kapa Haka songs.

Recorder group - the children who learn recorder have the opportunity also to share Traffic Jam with an audience on the day and if children can please bring their recorders to school each day between now and next Thursday as we will be practising in class time for this.

We will also be looking for some parent helpers to assist us with supervision on the day - if you think you could help us out with this please let us know. Our class is in town for around three hours both sharing our work and viewing the work and performances of other classes.

This week and next week our class programme is not running quite as usual as we are working hard on our performances, getting our art ready and practising our parts. The children will have a poem each night for reading but please encourage your child to read their favourite books at home, practise spelling their weekly words or essential lists words (on previous blog posts), write rhyming words or high frequency words, practise their skip counting or basic addition and subtraction facts including doubles and halves....

PTA Fundraiser - The Big Event
Have you got your ticket for The Big Event? This is the PTA's main fundraiser for the year and looks set to be a fabulous night with a musical showcase for you to sit back and watch followed by a band and dance. The bar is open and supper is provided. Tickets are $30 each for Saturday 31 October - plus if you buy your ticket before the end of this term, you go in the draw to win your money back! Tracy and Monique will both be there dancing the night away - hope you will bring your partners and friends along and enjoy the night with us!