Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Arts Finale - Final Details

Children will need:
* Full school uniform
* Packed lunch and drink (named)
* Warm jersey/jacket
* Sunhat if weather is like today!!
* Any medications or inhalers to Mrs Campbell first thing Thursday morning

Parent Helpers
Please meet Kohara at the Sound Garden at 10.55am
The class will go straight there after the bus arrives for our first performance
Please see Mrs Campbell for information sheet and phone list when you arrive there (or you can get it first thing in the morning from school if that's easier)
Main priority is keeping the children together as a group especially when moving between areas and assisting with taking children to the toilets as needed.

Important Information
If you are taking your child away from the Kohara group at any stage of the day you MUST let Mrs Campbell know as she is keeping the master list of our children.
Mrs O'Sullivan is on duty as stage manager of the Amphitheatre Area so will not be with Kohara for parts of the day.

Road crossings must be done at the supervised crossings - please role model this for the children.

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