So who are we....?

Mrs Tracy Campbell and
Mrs Monique O'Sullivan
Mrs O'Sullivan (Mrs O)
I'm very lucky as I get to wear two hats at Waimairi School - one as a teacher but the other as a fellow Waimairi mum! My two boys both attend Waimairi - Will is in his last year as a year 6 in Kahukura and my youngest, Jack is in Year 3 in Ara Atu. I am also on the PTA committee and have found this a great way to get to know other school parents and have lots of fun and laughter along the way. I also have two chocolate Labradors called Monty and Poppy and a cat called Star. I have been teaching for just over 20 years and have been lucky enough to teach in Oamaru, Ashburton, Dunedin and now back in Christchurch which is my home town. This year I am looking forward to enjoying my new house which we moved into during the holidays and hopefully the pile of boxes waiting to be unpacked will gradually diminish over the coming weeks!
Mrs Campbell
Welcome to the Kohara whanau. I guess I wear two hats too. One as a teacher and one as an ex-parent. All three of my children went to Waimairi (and loved it!) and as you can tell by the grey in my hair are now quite old. Helen and Matt finished University last year to pursue careers in Dentistry and Project Management respectively and Nathan is half way through his degree at Victoria University. I did my teaching degree while my children were at Waimairi and my husband maintains that he has half a degree because of all the making, cutting and inventing he has had to do over the years. I love sport of any kind. My children are all keen sports persons so I understand about standing on the side-line every Saturday morning in the hailing rain! I'm really looking forward to the year ahead and getting to know you and your child.
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