Sunday, 29 May 2016

Week 5 (30 May - 3 June)

Talofa and welcome to Week 5!

This week we welcome Khori to our class. We hope she enjoys being part of Kohara. If you see Khori and her family, please say hi and make them feel welcome.

Classroom Release
This week Room 19 have PE with Mr Lukes on Tuesday from 11-12.30pm.
Room 18 also have PE with Mr Lukes on Wednesday morning from 9-10.30am.

Matariki Show
This Thursday we are attending a performance called 'Little Eyes in the Sky' which links into the upcoming Matariki celebration. This Court Theatre group performed last year for us and they were absolutely fantastic! The cost for this will be billed to the end of term activity fees.

Library Day
Please return library books to the class containers before Friday's library session.

Kapa Haka
Junior Kapa Haka is on Friday.

Lunchtime Clubs
Sewing club is on Tuesday lunchtime 12.45 in the room off the library.
Chess Club is on Wednesday lunchtimes in R21 from 12.45.

This is Junho's last week in Kohara. It has been lovely to watch Junho interact with the children in Kohara in such a warm, kind manner and they have enjoyed working with him over the last few weeks. We would like to say a big thanks to Junho and wish him well for his future teaching career. Junho finishes with us on Friday.

PTA News
Chocolate boxes have now been issued and money can be returned each morning before school in Room 21. You are also able to return part boxes if you can't sell it all or get more boxes if you need. All money raised goes towards buying new reading books across the school so a great way to help fundraise.

Marathon Drinks Station
We are still urgently needing about 5 more helpers to assist with running a drinks station at the Chch Marathon this Sunday 5 June (from approximately 7am to 12 noon). If you can help please let Monique know asap.

Disco coming up in Week 8 - Friday 24th June.

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