Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Parent Maths Info Session

One more day to get your rsvp's in for this Thursdays maths information session for parents. Find out how your child learns maths in these modern times. Suitable for parents of children in Year 0-2. You can rsvp via the school website or let the office know. Children welcome.

School Photos This Thursday

Time to hunt out the red shirts ready for Thursday's class and individual photos! No long sleeves to be worn under t shirts please.
Start practising your best smiles Kohara!

Monday, 29 August 2016

Touch Rugby

Don't forget your touch rugby registration forms and payment for those children wishing to join a team this year. Registrations are being taken in the hall from 8.20am (Tuesday).

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Week 6 (29 Aug - 2 Sep)

Welcome to Week 6 :)

School Photos
School photos this Thursday 1 September. If possible please wear the red school t shirt (no long sleeves underneath) and the summer uniform option for girls. Please note their are no sibling photos offered this year.

Touch Rugby Registration
Touch is always a very popular option for our year level. Registration is this Tuesday 30 August from 8.20am in the school hall. You need to bring your registration form and payment on the day. The children play on a Tuesday night usually around 5.30pm for Year 1/2 age group, at Nunweek Park. You can get registration forms from the office or let us know and we can email you a copy. If you can't make it on Tuesday, the office will accept registrations and payment up until Friday 2 September. After that no late entries will be accepted.

Maths Workshop for Parents
Thursday morning 8-8.30am in Te Puna. Please rsvp via the school website or to the office. Marg Wright is a fantastic speaker and our staff work alongside Marg during the year also. She offers very practical and down to earth tips for how to help your child at home with maths and will also cover the maths progressions for the Year 1/2 age group. Definitely worth coming along to if you can.

Please remember the spelling notebooks for Friday testing. The children are reminded on the day to hand notebooks in to the red container down by the teachers chair in R18. If your child doesn't hand it in, then they miss out on being tested for the week (and it means their new words also don't get stuck in for the following week). Please encourage your child to put their notebooks in the container before school on a Friday.

Library Day Friday
Kapa Haka Friday

Sewing Club - Tuesday lunchtime
Chess Club - Wednesday lunchtime
Hockey Club - Thursday lunchtime (bring the mouthguards!)

Have a great week :)

Friday, 26 August 2016


Y0-2 Parents Maths Information Session
Marg Wright, a maths facilitator who works with schools in Canterbury and Marlborough will be sharing information about

The Maths Progressions for Junior School Children and Ways Parents can Help at Home

Thursday, 1 September 8am-8.30am in Te Puna 

Please RSVP on the link, that is on the school website asap.  

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Thursday Hockey Club

A reminder that Thursday is the day for the lunchtime hockey club. If your child is part of this, please make sure they have their mouthguard at school. Thanks :)

Love to Sing?

Does your child love to sing? Then check out the link on the blog (under Useful Links section on the right hand side of the blog) to the 'Love to Sing' website which gives you access to lots of well known and popular songs for children complete with words. Many of you will recognise these songs - lots of fun for those families who love to sing! Thanks to Melissa (Georgia's mum) for the link.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Week 5 (22-26 August)

Welcome to Week 5 :)

Writing Inquiry Group
Starting this week until the end of the term, we welcome Carla Benton who will be working with a group of writers twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Carla is a trained teacher who is undertaking further study, and this is part of her personal teaching inquiry project. Thank you to our Kohara families involved with this. There was much hilarity last week when they met with Carla to create their 'code names'!

Classroom Release Time
Tuesday 23 August from 11-12.30pm.
Room 18 will have PE with Mr Lukes and Room 19 will have Art with Mrs McHaffie.

Cricket Skills
We have the opportunity to be involved with a junior cricket skills session on Thursday this week. Room 18 will have their session from 9 - 9.30am and Room 19 will go from 9.30 - 10am.

Staff Development
This Thursday 25 August we will both be released as part of our teacher inquiry into mathematics teaching that we have been part of this year. Miss Jess Uru and Mrs Jill Kelk will be relieving in Kohara for the day.

New words for this week will come home on Monday. Have fun learning these - why not make the words out of playdough or write them outside using a paintbrush dipped in water! Please ensure children have their notebooks back at school for testing on Friday. No notebook = no testing.

Kapa Haka Friday

Library Friday - please remember to pack the library books as this is part of our reading programme for the week.

Have a great week :)

Friday, 19 August 2016

Spelling Homework

Thank you to those who remembered their spelling notebooks for testing on Friday. Your new words will be sent home on Monday. It was great to see lots of children had been practising and great to see notebooks being used for practise as well.

However, there were 23 children in the class who did not hand in their spelling notebooks and therefore were not tested and have now missed out on having their new words glued in ready to be sent home on Monday. If you do not wish for your child to be part of our home/school spelling programme please let us know. Notebooks MUST be at school on a Friday please.

There are also a couple of children who still need to bring a notebook to school so we can issue them spelling words. We'd love these to be sent to school asap please :)

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Supermarket Bags

Jackie at the office would love any spare supermarket bags if anyone has an oversupply!

Friendship List

We are in the process of updating our class friendship list. If any of your contact details have changed please let us know and we will update these for you. 

Thank You

A very big thank you to the kind Kohara parents who have recently donated baking supplies, tissues, and sewing needles and who regularly pop in and stock up our box construction area. It's greatly appreciated 😀

Library Book Sale

Sue, our librarian, is having a clean out of books from the library. These are available for purchase (3 books for $1) in the library on Monday and Tuesday morning. If you're interested pop in and have a look before school on those days. 


Y0-2 Parents Maths Information Session
Marg Wright, a maths facilitator who works with schools in Canterbury and Marlborough will be sharing information about

The Maths Progressions for Junior School Children and Ways Parents can Help at Home

Thursday, 1 September 8am-8.30am in Te Puna 

Please RSVP on the link, that will be on the school website by the end of this week. RSVP by Friday, 26 August to assist with our catering numbers.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Kingston's Skull Pillow

Sewing projects are taking off in Kohara. Kingston has just completed a very comfortable skull cushion which is a present for someone special in his family (shhhh don't tell them!) It was Kingston's first project using the sewing machine and he enjoyed learning a new skill. We wonder what he will create next?

Isaac's Angry Birds Slingshot

Isaac had a fabulous idea to create a slingshot game based around Angry Birds. Not only did he make the slingshot, he also created little angry birds and pig characters as well as the building blocks to knock down. It's just like the real game! We think Isaac has persevered and put a lot of thought into his slingshot. He will be the envy of all his friends!

Calling Any Equestrians...

If anyone has a child that rides horses and would be interested in joining the Waimairi Equestrian team for an upcoming primary school show jumping event please get in touch with Susan Tansey in Te Puna or let us know and we can pass on your details. 

Cupcake Day Wednesday

Wednesday 17th August is Cupcake Day at Waimairi, raising money for the SPCA. If your child would like to buy one, its first in, first served! Cupcakes will be on sale outside the office from 8.30am and prices will range from 50c - $2 per cupcake. Gluten free children may need to check if they have any gluten free options on the day as it will depend on what is offered for sale. 

Winter by Connell


Winter is cold. It feels icy as well. The birds fly south. I like winter. The snow is soft and the snow falls. Snowmen look easy to make when they're not. You can play a snowball fight as well.

By Connell

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Week 4 (15-19 August)

Welcome to Week 4.

Spelling starts this week. All children were given 5 words to practise at home over the week. These words will be tested at school on Friday so please remember to send the notebooks to school for testing and so they can get their new words for the following week. A few children could not find their notebooks in their tote trays (these were part of the stationery list at the start of the year) so if your child did not bring home any spelling words/notebook can you please send along a notebook sometime this week so we can organise spelling words for them. Many thanks.

This Wednesday we are lucky enough to have a drawing session with a visiting artist. Kohara will be using our work from this session for our calendar art (which will be available to purchase later in the year). The $4 for this session will be invoiced to your term activity fee.

Classroom Release
This Tuesday from 11-12.30pm
Room 18 will have PE with Mr Lukes
Room 19 will have Art with Mrs McHaffie

Please remember to return last weeks reading books to the grey container down by the stage in R18 on Monday morning. Remember to put your reading folder in your tote tray too so it is ready for your reading group session.

Fantails reading group
For those in the fantails reading group - this week we are basing our reading around a book called 'The April Fool's Day Mystery'. Because we will be using this book for prediction and other activities, we will not be sending it home until nearer the end of the week. For home reading please enjoy reading your library books, magazines, a newspaper, favourite stories etc.

At the moment many of our maths groups are exploring place value, finding out how many tens and ones make up 2 digit numbers up to 99. Some children are even looking at 3 digit numbers (hundreds, tens and ones). We have added a link on the right hand side of the blog under Numeracy Links to a couple of fun place value games that you might like to have a go at this week. In Dino Numbers you need to click on the amount of tens and then the amount of ones to make the total shown. In Shark Numbers you need to count up the number of tens and the number of ones shown in place value blocks and click on the bubble with the matching number. If you get it wrong the shark starts to eat your boat!

Lunchtime Clubs
Tuesday ~ sewing club
Wednesday ~ Chess club
Thursday ~ hockey club (remember your mouthguard)

Library Day Friday
Kapa Haka Friday

Activity Fee

We are having an artist visit us at Waimairi School next week on Wednesday and Thursday and he is taking our class for a drawing lesson.  We intend to use this work on our calendar art as well.  The cost per chid is $4 and it will be added to your term activity fee.
Many thanks
Tracy and Monique

Friday, 12 August 2016

Spelling Homework

Starting this week all the children will be bringing home their spelling notebook with five words to practise at home each week. These words will be tested the following Friday. Please ensure that spelling notebooks are returned EVERY Friday so they can receive their words for the following week.

Feel free to make use of the spelling notebook to write in when practising, or there is also a list of other ways to learn spelling words in the front of the notebook. It doesn't have to be written, it could be orally, in the sandpit, with chalk on the footpath, typed on a computer etc. Find what your child enjoys.

A reminder that children should also have a reading book or a poem every night of the week as well as library books to share and enjoy together over the weekend.

There are also links to maths and literacy games on the blog (on the right hand side) where the children can have some fun playing activities that relate to their class learning. Maths concepts are best learnt in everyday contexts - when you start looking at what you do in a day, you'd be surprised how much maths you can find. It could be setting the table, adding car number plates, telling the time, baking and using fractions, measuring,  different shapes, numbers and maths concepts in library books...

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Sketching Fun

A lot of Kohara children love to spend time sketching. Not only is it a great way to observe closely and look for detail, it is also a great way to develop fine motor skills like those needed for writing and handwriting. 

Here's a few recent sketches by Isaac, William and Ollie for you to marvel at...

Noah the Husky Racer

We have lots of talents in Kohara. Last weekend Noah and his family were racing their husky dog and Noah won two certificates for his competitions! Congratulations Noah. What a great effort especially in the snow!

Junior Section  4th Place  Time 1.09
Pee Wee Race   2nd Place   Time 1.04

Library Books & Poem Folders

Start hunting out the library books ready for our library session on Friday. Please send them to school in library bags :)

Also poetry folders needed - can children please make sure theirs is back at school and in the green containers.

Thursday Hockey Club

Don't forget to pack the mouthguard for hockey club at lunchtime for those who signed up to participate.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Wheels and Wood Wanted

If anyone has any spare wheels (scooter or similar size wheels) that could be used for a go-kart project, we have a couple of boys who would be very grateful. They are also after some planks of wood to make the base and sides. All donations welcome :)

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Olympic Watch!!

This week Kohara would like to wish Hayden Roulston (Moses' Dad) all the very best for his Olympics qualifying race on Friday 12 August in the Cycling 4000m Team Pursuit (8.23am). The following round for qualifiers is on Saturday at 7.52am.

Good luck Hayden from Moses and all of us in Kohara!

Week 3 (8-12 August)

Welcome to Week 3 :)

This week we welcome Julie Reece to Kohara as she joins us for a four week teaching placement. Julie is a familiar face around Waimairi School - some of you may know her as one of our Learning Support teachers. We hope Julie enjoys her time in Kohara.

Book Week
This week Waimairi is celebrating Book Week. During the week the children will get to enjoy some special Book Week activities including time with an author! Why not celebrate at home as well by re-reading and enjoying some old favourites off the book shelf. The O'Sullivan household is currently enjoying reading The Twits by Roald Dahl - we've read it so many times but we continue to love the humour!!

Staff Professional Development
As some of you will be aware, we have both been part of an ongoing teacher inquiry this year on mathematics teaching, along with a few other teachers from across the school, working with a group of students from within Kohara. This Thursday 11th August, we will both be released to begin the process of writing up our research findings. Jess Uru and Chris Jenkins will be relieving in Kohara all day.

Hockey Club
Last week hockey club was postponed due to poor weather. Fingers crossed for this Thursday lunchtime for those children involved. If your child signed up for this club, please remember to pack the mouthguards.

Sewing Club Tuesday lunchtimes
Chess Club Wednesday lunchtimes
Kapa Haka Friday
Library Day Friday

Poetry Folders
Please return these to the green containers in Room 19 at the beginning of the week. We often use these throughout the week as well as on Fridays and it is difficult when children don't have their poems/folder at school to use as part of their learning. It also helps prevent poems being left behind loose in tote trays or getting scrunched up in the bottom of school bags.

Warm Jackets
Please ensure your child has a named weather proof jacket at school. In case of any emergencies, children may be required to be outside for a length of time and a warm jacket would be essential.

Have a great week :)

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Pizza and Pies

Please remember that all pizza and pie orders must be collected from the hall between 2.30-3.30pm today (Thursday 4 August). Unfortunately we don't have the facility to store these overnight so please arrange for someone to collect them on your behalf if you are unable to pop in and collect them.

Thanks for supporting our PTA's fundraiser :)

Thursday Hockey Club

Just a reminder for those children who have opted in to the lunchtime hockey club being organised by the senior girls - this starts tomorrow lunchtime from 12.45pm out on the back field. If your child is involved please remember to pack their mouthguard - as they must have a mouthguard to join in. All other gear is provided.


This is our science term and we were wondering if anyone has science background to their job or know of anyone that would be happy to speak to us about being a scientist. We are looking at things that Pop, Froth and Fizz. We would love to hear from you.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Orana Park by Jacob

Two days ago my family went to Orana Park because it was Ben's birthday and his birthday present was a lot of presents! His birthday present was a giant gorilla and we saw the gorillas. They are just like chimpanzees because they put the stick in the ant hole and then they pull the stick out and eat the ants. We only got to see the gorillas because we had visitors coming.

By Jacob

Monday, 1 August 2016

Amelia's Travel Cushion

Amelia had a go at making a travel cushion after seeing the great job that Amy and Sophie had done with theirs. We think Amelia has done really well at getting the shape of her cushion just right. What a great job tracing the template so carefully. This will be fantastic for long car trips!

Juliah and Sophie the Bakers

Baking is a great learning opportunity in Kohara. Lots of practise at measuring, reading measurement and fraction symbols, taking turns and following a sequence of instructions. Sophie and Juliah ended up with these colourful cupcakes which they said tasted very yummy!

Johnny's Pyramid

Wow look at Johnny's pyramid. He was really keen to create a large model of an Egyptian pyramid along with a sphinx statue. Johnny thought hard about his project. He wasn't happy with his first model so he had another go and was much happier with his second attempt. We love the way he didn't just give up but kept on trying until he was happy. Well done Johnny - that really is showing a growth mindset.

Connell's Sewing Project

Look at Connell's sewing project. He named it Lowdy. We love the details he drew on after he sewed it on the sewing machine. What a fabulous toy to play with!

Khori and Grace Make Sundaes

Making ice cream sundaes is a neat way to practice following a recipe in sequence. Khori and Grace made some delicious looking sundaes - what would you choose for a topping if you made one?


In Kohara we are really great at working cooperatively with our classmates. Today there was lots of teamwork in action...

Brock and Noah were working together to create a cushion seat for their go kart project. 

Connell and Jacob were cooperating and playing Uno. Lots of turn taking, strategies and number and colour matching!

Matthew, Leon and Hannah were enjoying taking turns at our hopscotch. A great way to sneak in some maths - identifying and counting numbers forwards and backwards. 

Poi Dancing With Lily, Ruby & Izzy

What a treat last week! Kohara was treated to an awesome poi dance by Lily, Ruby and Izzy. Not only did they do a great job at learning the poi moves but they also made their own poi and organised costumes and music.

Myan's Robot

Myan has been working really hard on his robot over many many weeks. We love the way he has persevered to solve the problem of how to keep the arms on but allow them to move freely. You've done a quality job Myan. Well done.

Conall's Weaving

Check out this cool placemat that Conall made. He wove strips of paper into his triangle shape, decorated it and then laminated it to protect it. Now Conall's Dad can use it for dinner time!

Lucie and Rosalie - Cake Decorators

Lucie and Rosalie had a great time creating characters on cupcakes last week. They used marshmallows and icing to make poodles on the top of their cupcakes. They used the leftovers to make flowers! They looked really cute and we bet they tasted good too. The girls did a fabulous job following the instructions in the recipe book.

Ski Team Opportunity

Canterbury Primary Schools Ski Races. 

Waimairi School will again be entering a team this year. Any child can be in the team, as long as they can make their way to the skifield! It is great fun and an amazing day out.

This fun skiing event consists of a dual slalom course for boys and girls of all age groups from Year 1 to Year 8. No previous ski-racing experience is necessary, merely sufficient skill to ride a T-bar ski lift and groomed, easy slopes.

There will be medals for individual performance, plus an overall team trophy for both primary and intermediate school teams. The emphasis is on fun and introducing children to the excitement of ski-racing. Most of the children's time will be spent just skiing freely and enjoying other activities on the day.

Dates to note
- RACE DAY - Sunday 21st August
- Alternate Race - Sunday 28 August
Registration forms are to be found on the Cheeseman website - http://www.mtcheeseman.co.nz/p-and-i-school-ski-race/
Please bring entry forms and registration fee to the School Office. Entries close at school on 9 August, so that the team entry can be compiled for the 12th August cut off date.

Week 2 (1-5 August)

Gosh, week 2 already! It will be spring before we know it!

Classroom Release
Room 18  have PE with Mr Lukes and Room 19 have Art with Mrs McHaffie on Tuesday from

Foodwrap Fundraiser
These have now arrived and can be picked up from classrooms.

Pizza and Pie Fundraiser
These arrive on Thursday 4 August and must be collected between 2.30-3.30pm from the hall. If you can't make it during that time, please arrange for someone to collect it on your behalf as we have over 800 pizza and pies arriving!

Library Day
Thanks to those remembering to have their library books at school for our Friday library time. This is part of our weekly reading programme so it's great to see so many children being able to select new books.

Kapa Haka
Junior Kapa Haka is on Fridays.

Lunchtime Clubs
A reminder that we have a few optional lunchtime activities if the children wish to join in...
Chess Club in R21 on Wednesday lunchtimes from 12.45pm
Sewing Club in the little room off the library on Tuesday lunchtimes from 12.45pm
Hockey Club (for those with permission & mouthguards) on Thursday lunchtimes from 12.45 on the field

Have a great week :)