Monday, 1 August 2016

Week 2 (1-5 August)

Gosh, week 2 already! It will be spring before we know it!

Classroom Release
Room 18  have PE with Mr Lukes and Room 19 have Art with Mrs McHaffie on Tuesday from

Foodwrap Fundraiser
These have now arrived and can be picked up from classrooms.

Pizza and Pie Fundraiser
These arrive on Thursday 4 August and must be collected between 2.30-3.30pm from the hall. If you can't make it during that time, please arrange for someone to collect it on your behalf as we have over 800 pizza and pies arriving!

Library Day
Thanks to those remembering to have their library books at school for our Friday library time. This is part of our weekly reading programme so it's great to see so many children being able to select new books.

Kapa Haka
Junior Kapa Haka is on Fridays.

Lunchtime Clubs
A reminder that we have a few optional lunchtime activities if the children wish to join in...
Chess Club in R21 on Wednesday lunchtimes from 12.45pm
Sewing Club in the little room off the library on Tuesday lunchtimes from 12.45pm
Hockey Club (for those with permission & mouthguards) on Thursday lunchtimes from 12.45 on the field

Have a great week :)

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