Sunday, 11 September 2016

Week 8 (12-16 September)

Welcome to Week 8 :)

Classroom Release
Room 19 have Art with Mrs McHaffie on Tuesday afternoon from 1.30-3pm.
Room 18 have PE with Mr Lukes on Wednesday morning from 9-10.30am.

Calendar Art
We have the children's artwork in a green folder in Kohara - please feel free to come and check out your child's artwork which we are using for calendar art this year. Order forms went home last Friday - you can order calendars, cards, diaries or sketch books.

College Teacher
Next week we welcome Michele Walker who is joining us for seven weeks in Kohara.

Please send notebooks for testing on Friday.

Maths - Place Value
We have been looking at place value in 2 digit numbers in maths. How many 2 digit numbers can you find around your house? Can you work out how many tens and how many ones would be in each number you find? Here's a few places to look to start you off - page numbers in picture books (find the last page number), advertising/supermarket brochures, magazines, calculators, tv channels, mailbox numbers... There are also some place value games on our class blog under the numeracy links.

Library Day Friday

Kapa Haka Friday

Friday Sausage Sizzle
This Friday the chess team are running another sausage sizzle. These will be $2 for a sausage in bread and will replace our usual hotdogs. Order from the hall before school on Friday.

The Big Event
Our PTA are working hard to organise the upcoming Big Event which is our major fundraiser for the year. They are looking for any donations of items for raffles as well as bigger/special items for our auctions on the night. If you can assist please let Monique know or drop off to us in Kohara and we can pass it on, or leave it at the school office. They are still after sponsors as well - so if you have a business that might be keen please let us know (free advertising in return).
Tickets will be on sale soon for this fabulous night, so start organising a babysitter for Saturday October 29th. Musical showcase, supper, band and bar. We look forward to seeing you there on the night.

Lunchtime Clubs
Tuesday - sewing club
Wednesday - chess club
Thursday - hockey club

Have a great week.

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