Monday, 24 October 2016

Week 3 (25-28 October)

Welcome to Week 3 :)

Welcome to Mrs Bindy O'Callaghan who is relieving on Tuesday morning while Mrs Campbell is on River Leader Release.

Tuesday Meet Up
See you all at Meet Up in the hall first thing on Tuesday morning.

Classroom Release
Room 18 and Room 19 have classroom release on Tuesday afternoon - Art for Room 18 and PE for Room 19. Can Room 19 please ensure they have a sunhat at school to wear whilst outside for PE.

St Johns - Responding in an Emergency
As part of our PE and Health term, Kohara will have a session with St Johns this Wednesday covering how to respond in an emergency. There is a small charge of $2 per child which will be added to this terms school accounts. A great time to check that children know their address and a contact phone number in case of emergencies. Some simple first aid will also be covered.

Photo Orders
These are due in to the office by Thursday 27 October (this Thursday). Please ensure order forms are returned by 3pm Thursday if you wish to order class or individual photos. For those with older siblings, sports and cultural photos are on display in the hall foyer.

The Big Event
This is on this Saturday 29 October - have you got your ticket yet? Don't miss out on a wonderful evening. Grab a group of friends and come enjoy a great night out while supporting the PTA with their major fundraiser for the year.

Halloween Disco
This will be held on Monday 31 October in the school hall. Juniors from 6-7pm, seniors from 7.15-8.15pm. Dress up in your favourite Halloween themed costume. Children must be collected from inside the hall at the end of the disco.

Class Swimming
It's nearly that time of year! The school pool will be open for class swimming after Show Weekend. Families will also be able to purchase a school pool key for $70 for those who are able to help on the roster (usually 2-3 nights putting the cover on over the season) or $100 for those unable to help. These will be available to purchase from the office soon.

Friday - spelling day (bring your notebooks)
            - library day (pack the library books)
            - and kapa haka.

Have a great week!

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