Sunday, 27 November 2016

Week 8 (28 Nov-2 Dec)

Welcome to Week 8!

Wheels Day
Monday the 28 November (this Monday) is Wheels Day. Bike or scooter to school and be in to win spot prizes. Plus watch out for some wheelie good fun at Monday Meet Up!
Kohara also has a Wheels session during the day as well as visiting the Truck Time session.
No usual reading programme today.

Athletics Day
This Thursday 1 December is our Athletics Day. Come join us from 11am until 12.30pm on the school field. Come in sports mufti on the day and make sure you have a sunhat and sunscreen on.

Athletics Day Sausage Sizzle Orders
Place your orders on Wednesday morning outside the hall. $2 a sausage. Don't forget you can order for the whole family. The coffee shop will also be open. Community lunch will be between 12.30-1.30pm on Thursday. All welcome.

Thank you to all the children who have returned their notice and are having a go in the triathlon on Thursday afternoon. We look forward to cheering you all on. The triathlon starts at 1.30pm on the back field, then to the courts for the bike/scooter course, finishing in the pool.
Children participating MUST have a helmet please.

The pool filter is still awaiting repairs so no lunchtime swim on Monday. Class swimming on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday if the pool is open. Bring your togs just in case!

Classroom Release
On Wednesday Room 19 have PE with Mr Lukes from 11-12.30pm.

Final Library Returns
Please have ALL library books back at school by this Friday please as it is our final library session.

Our weekly spelling programme is now finished but keep up the practise of previous words. We will be re-testing children on their current and previous spelling lists between now and the end of the year.

Reading Books
Can you please send ALL reading books back to school at the end of the week as these are being collected in for reshelving. If you have some spare time and would be able to help return these to the reading room, we would be most grateful.

Maths Games
As the year draws to an end and our usual reading/spelling programme ceases, why not play a boardgame for homework instead. There is loads of maths related learning in board games - counting, adding dice, recognising dice or number patterns, shapes, colours and lots of social skills as well (taking turns, good sportsmanship etc). Cards are another great way to practise maths - why not draw two cards each and practise adding or subtracting the numbers. or get clever and try it with three cards. You could also order cards, make number patterns, look at odd and even numbers... the possibilities are endless.

Have a great week :)

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