The boys worked cooperatively on their tall tower - this picture was taken before it was finished. It is now even taller. Johnny thought it was "about a metre and a half" and when we measured it was 153cm!! Great estimating Johnny! Kohara talked about why we thought the base had to be wider than the top and we thought it was because this made it stronger, more stable and so that it didn't fall over. We tried to imagine what would happen if the tower had a wider top and we all agreed that it would be too heavy. We even found a connection to other things we knew that had wider bases at the bottom and skinnier tops - the Eiffel Tower, hills, mountains and volcanoes were a few of our ideas.
Below is Gemma with her airport. It has planes that have landed and even a chute where the baggage comes out for the passengers. I wonder where all her passengers are arriving from? Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world for a holiday?
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