Sunday, 12 March 2017

Week 7 (13-17 March)

Welcome to Week 7

Swimming continues this week.
Class swimming sessions on Wednesday and Friday.
Optional lunchtime swim for Y1/2 children on Tuesday lunchtime.

Thank you to all the fantastic children who are remembering to put their reading folders in their tote trays each morning and putting their reading books from the week before into the grey reading container on a Monday morning.

Crusaders Visit
The children who play touch or rugby will get the chance to meet some Crusaders players on Thursday. How exciting!! We're sure they will tell you all about it!

Library Day is Friday

Kapa Haka
We are continuing Kapa Haka on Tuesdays but are trialling a different time of 1.30-2pm for the junior children starting this week.

Craft Club Tuesday lunchtimes from 12.45pm.

French Club no French club this week.

Ukulele Lessons
Due to numbers, the ukulele tutor has changed our Kohara ukulele lessons to 10am on Tuesdays. This will allow for a smaller group size for lessons.

Social Studies Inquiry
We have been discussing what responsibility looks like and have decided to become superheroes of responsibility. In Kohara this means we are aiming to:
* Always try our best
* Be kind
* Help others
* Get our work done
* Be on time
* Use our manners
* Be honest if we make a mistake
* Try and fix things when we make a mistake
* Let others get on with their learning
* Make good choices
We have also been sharing ways we show responsibility - these will be on display in Kohara over the coming week.

Have a great week :)

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