Sunday, 28 May 2017

Week 5 (29 May - 2 June)

Welcome to Week 5 :)

Reading Book Returns
Thank you to our fabulous parents who have given up their time recently to shelve our reading books. Your time is much appreciated so thank you. The reading roster is on the noticeboard outside Kohara in the bag area so if you can spare a few minutes over the term we'd love you to add your name to the roster.

This Thursday we are away on our Incredible Years Teachers course so Tania Stott and Jill Kelk will be relieving in Kohara.

Science Inquiry
We are enjoying learning about how things move and talking about different kinds of force. We have also been learning about objects being stationary. Over the last few weeks we have found out that bey blades and fidget spinners all use force to make them move (such as pushing and pulling). On Friday we had a game of tug of war so we could put our learning into action - and we found out that the strongest force won! By pulling on the rope the hardest, they were able to pull the other team over the line. This week we are looking forward to investigating car ramps with Awatea's mum Mel who is coming in to share some science with us.

Library Day is Friday
Thanks to everyone who is remembering to send books back to school in time for our weekly visit on a Friday. This forms part of our class reading programme - it is important that children read for pleasure, as well as reading to learn.

Poetry Folders
Please continue to encourage the children to return these to the green poetry boxes before school.

Some of our Kohara children have been investigating 'numbers all around us'. Once we started looking for numbers, we found them everywhere! We have started a display in Kohara of different places we have found numbers - in the library, in the playground, in games, on signs, in handwriting, on rubbish bins, on clocks and watches to name a few. We'd love to hear some of the places you can find numbers - feel free to leave us a comment on this post and let us know where you have found some! Or send us a photo :)

PTA News
Thanks to the Kohara parents who have offered to help at the Christchurch Marathon this Sunday as part of our PTA fundraising opportunity. We will both see you there bright and early on Sunday!

The PTA also have a wonderful new Facebook page so if you are on Facebook, please take a moment to check it out and 'like' it so you can stay updated on all the wonderful things our PTA is doing on behalf of our Waimairi children. Be sure to check out the winning costumes from the recent Quiz night - see if you can recognise the very talented Bridget (Freddy's Mum)!

Have a great week.

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