Sunday, 11 June 2017

Week 7 (12-16 June)

Welcome to Week 7 :)

Court Theatre Performance
On Monday 12th we have the Court theatre visiting with their performance of Matatihi. Kohara will be attending at 9.30am following Monday Meet up. A reminder that a contribution of $5 will be added to school accounts for this.

PTA Cheese Roll orders
Orders for Cheese Rolls are due back this Friday to the office please with money.
If you need another order form please let us know :)

Science Inquiry
We are really enjoying our Inquiry into Forces and how things move. Awatea's Mum shared a really cool experiment looking at what force is being used when you let cars go down a ramp. We made all kinds of connections with the force of gravity. Their was lots of gathering data happening as we made a hypothesis, tested and changed variables, and observed to see the results. It was quite thought provoking and we had lots of wonderings. Follow the link in the previous blog post and have a go at home!

Numbers are everywhere! Next time you are enjoying your favourite picture book or library book, see how many maths connections you can make while you read it. You might find references to numbers, measuring, fractions, addition or subtraction, groups or sets, shapes or time...
It is really great when we can make maths links explicit to the children so they know that maths is indeed all around us!

Reading Book Returns
Thanks to our lovely Kohara helpers who have been shelving our reading books over the past few weeks. It is really appreciated. We still have a few gaps left on the roster for the last few weeks this term so if you can help, please add your name to the list (outside Kohara in the bag area).

Lost property
There has been quite a few jerseys, jackets, hats and gumboots left behind at school in recent weeks. Please check next time you are in - some of these we hang outside on the hooks as you come into Kohara. Gumboots are just inside the door.

Reading Books and Poetry Folders
A reminder that last weeks reading books should be returned to the grey container on a Monday morning and reading folders then put in tote trays. Poetry folders go back in the green containers down by Room 19's big whiteboard.

Kapa Haka Tuesday
Library Friday

Lunchtime Clubs
Monday - French Club 12.30pm with your lunch to He Tangata
Tuesday - Craft Club 12.45pm after eating lunch in R21
Thursday - Art Club 12.45pm after eating lunch in R21

Have a great week :)

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