Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Angus, Cayden & Harry's Chalk Spray Paint

It's a lot of fun to mix up ingredient and watch the scientific reactions that occur. Angus, Harry and Cayden decided to have a go at making Chalk Spray Paint. It's a bit funny that it's called chalk spray but it actually doesn't have chalk in it!!

The boys were super organised at bringing along empty spray bottles. Then they had to mix warm water with a little bit of flour and add a tiny bit of paint. They made different colours and then the fun began... We decided it was best to test it outside!

We put lots of newspaper down and then had a go at creating some abstract art using the spray paint. We learned that abstract art is where the art doesn't make an actual picture but you can use your imagination. The boys shared their ideas about what they thought heart reminded them of and came up with the name FRECKLE for their collaborative artwork.

Their next step is to design a frame so we can put it on display in Kohara.

Art and Science!! We wonder what they might create next?

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