Sunday, 5 November 2017

Week 4 (6-10 November)

Welcome to Week 4 :)

Please ensure your child has a blue sunhat at school every day.

On Tuesday, we will be released from 11.45-3pm as part of our Maths Inquiry Project. Mrs Lynda Wilson and Ms Jill Kelk will be relieving in Kohara.

PE & Health Inquiry
This week we have our PE and Health rotations on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning.

Please remember to send spelling notebooks to school on a Thursday. Last week less than half the class handed their notebooks in for testing. If your child did not hand in their book, please revise the spelling words from the previous week ready for testing this Thursday.

Soon we will be beginning to re-test the Essential List spelling words as part of our end of term testing so you may also like to revise previous words that your child has been given. Why not have some fun with your words this week - write them in shaving foam with your finger, dip a paintbrush in water and 'paint' them on a concrete path or on a fence, or draw the words in rainbow writing (write the word with different colour crayons using each colour to write the letter over top of the previous colour).

Remember to send books back to school before Friday.

Kapa Haka on Tuesday

Lunchtime Clubs
Monday: Chess club and French club
Tuesday: Craft/Sewing club
Thursday: Art club

Rest Home Visit
We are currently planning a visit to the Fitzroy Rest Home at the end of the year to share our singing with the residents. This is a special opportunity for Kohara as Mrs Campbell's mum is a resident there. We have already started practising but we will be polishing our singing over the next few weeks and are lucky enough to have Archie's mum Ali coming in to help us out. We will let you know more details once they are finalised.

Junior Athletics and Triathlon
This will be coming up on Wednesday 29 October (postponement Thursday 30th November). Our junior athletics takes place on our school field between 11-12.30 pm and the junior triathlon is in the afternoon. All children take part in the athletics, but the triathlon is a fun optional event for those who want to give it a try - running/walking, biking/scootering and swimming (or walking a length of the pool). A notice will be coming home soon with more details. Pop the date in your diary in the meantime.

School Pool
The school pool will hopefully be open for Show Weekend. You can purchase a key for your family at the school office (sorry keys are not transferable between other families). Keys cost $75 for the season and this includes a 2-3 night pool duty during the swimming season (this only involves putting the cover on in the evening and checking the area has been left tidy), or there are a limited number of keys available for those who are unable to do a duty and these cost $110. The cost includes a $20 bond which is refunded next year when keys are returned. Be in quick as last year the pool keys sold out! A huge thanks to the PTA for their recent working bee - the pool grounds are looking fabulous!

Have a great week :)

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