Blend of the Week
This week our blend is Sh
How many things can you find at home that begin with the 'sh' sound?
Here's a few to start you off - shoes, shower, shadows, shiny, shoulder...
Can you think of any words that have the 'sh' sound at the end e.g. splash, wash...
Look out for the 'sh' sounds in this week's reading books and in our poem that will come home on Friday.
Classroom Release Time
This week Room 19 children have Mr Lukes for PE on Thursday from 9-10.30am.
Monday Meet Up
Please encourage your child to sit with the rest of the children at Monday Meet Up and not in the chairs at the back of the hall, as these are for the adults. The children are welcome to sit with us if they can't find their friends.
Reading Book Returns
Our book returns roster is now up on the noticeboard outside Kohara. We would really appreciate some helpers to sort our junior readers and return them to the reading room. If you can help, please add your name to the roster. This can be done at anytime that suits you (before or after pick ups/drop off etc). You will find the books in the blue tote tray container on the bench down the R18 end of Kohara. We are happy to help show you what to do if you're unsure :)
Sewing Club
Sewing Club starts up this Tuesday at lunchtime in Room 22 for any children who are interested in sewing or craft activities. Sewing Club starts at 12.45, after the eating bell has gone and children have been dismissed by the duty teacher. If you or a family member are keen to help out, the sewing club crew would love to have you.
High Frequency Words
Remember to keep practising these on a regular basis, including ones that your child already knows as this is important for maintaining them. Let us know if you need the next list (List 2 or 3). We are really noticing the improvement in our reading groups of the children who are practising these frequently as they are recognising them much more quickly and fluently in their texts.

Last week we practised the letter 'l' for like. This week we are focusing on the letter 't' for the and to. Both these letters start from the top and go all the way to the bottom of the line. We call this a 'tall stick'. We have also been focusing on holding our pencils correctly - for some children this is a bit tricky but with practise it will get easier!
Kapa Haka
Junior Kapa Haka is on Tuesday after lunch in the hall.
Our library day is Friday. This is part of our reading programme so please remind children to bring their books and library bags to school before our Friday visit. Library bags go in the yellow containers in the middle space of Kohara.
Have a great week :)
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