Sunday, 25 November 2018

Week 7 (26-30 November)

Welcome to Week 7 :)

Classroom Release Time
Room 19 children have PE with Mr Lukes on Monday morning after Meet Up until 10.30am.

Junior Athletics 
Weather depending we are aiming to have a couple of practice sessions this week on Monday and Wednesday for our junior athletics which is coming up on Tuesday 4 December from 11-1.30pm on the school field. We look forward to seeing you there next week if you can make it. The coffee shop will be open until 1pm next Tuesday as well.

Our swimming days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Please send togs, towels and goggles along - fingers crossed we can get a swim in this week although the forecast isn't great at this stage!

Craft Club
Tuesday lunchtime 12.45pm in Room 22

Kapa Haka
Tuesday afternoon 1.30-2pm

PTA Food wrap & ECO product orders
Most of our Kohara orders were sent home on Friday - we are just waiting on one last box of baking paper to arrive. All other orders will be in individual classrooms for collection.
Thanks for supporting our PTA with these fundraisers.

Christmas Disco
This is coming up next week on Friday 7 December. $2 entry plus we ask that you please bring along a donation of either a can of food or a wrapped Christmas present for a child to go under the Christmas tree for those in need. Dress up in Christmas theme if you wish!
Junior Disco is 5.30-6.30pm
Senior Disco is 6.45-7.45pm
Children must be collected from inside the hall. Year 3 children may attend either disco, but not both.

Have a great week.

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