Monday, 11 May 2015

Week 4 (11-15 May)

Happy birthday to Natalie, Isaac, Juhwan and Kathryn who all celebrate their 7th birthdays this week in Kohara!

Library day is Friday - please ensure all library books are back at school before Friday in a named library bag. There are library containers for the children to put their library bags in at both ends of Kohara.

Poetry folders - thank you to those families who have checked to see if their child has their poetry folder at school. Some appear to have gone missing - if your child can't find theirs, please can they bring along another clearfile folder to school to keep their poems in. We're having a bit of a blitz on poems being left in tote trays and not being put in folders!

Reading Roster
Tracy has put up the roster for returning reading books which can be found outside Kohara in the cloakroom area. We would really appreciate a few minutes of your time to volunteer to help us with this job. If you like you can email us with a week/day that might suit you (can be before or after school, any day Tuesday-Friday).

Thinking About Science
Mr Anderson has posed the question - does hot water freeze quicker than cold water? Talk about this with your child - how could you conduct a fair test to see if this is true? What does your child think they could do to investigate this? Mr Anderson is keen to hear more from the children about what they find out and why they think this might be. Lots of interesting discussion to be had around this!

Upcoming Mufti Day
Mufti Day next Wednesday. Wear red or blue colours and bring a gold coin donation - all proceeds go to support the people of Nepal.

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