Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Week 5 (18-22 May)

Welcome to Week 5!

Mufti Day
Wednesday 20th is a Mufti Day to raise money for those affected by the earthquake in Nepal. Red and blue theme.

Library Day is Friday - we had more children remembering their library books last week but we still only had about half the class bringing their books back. Let's see if we can make it 100% this week!

Classroom Release
Room 18 have PE with Mr Lukes on Wednesday 11-12.30 
Room 19 have Art with Mrs McHaffie on Thursday 9-10.30

Working Bee
Thanks to all the helpers who came along on Sunday for the school working bee - the grounds look amazing. Thank you for your time and efforts.

Entertainment Books
These are still on sale - with a percentage of all books sold going to Waimairi School. Don't forget you can also purchase a digital membership and these can be linked to up to 4 digital devices per membership. Why not get together with extended family members and share a book?

Quiz Night
Make sure you put Friday 12 June in your calendars for the annual school quiz night. Get together with friends or family and make a team (up to 6 people max). Costs $60 per team and this is always a really fun night, lots of laughs guaranteed. BYO nibbles for your team but drinks can be purchased on the night.

The next school disco is coming up on Friday 19 June.

Enjoy your week.

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