Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Week 4 (10-14 August)

Library Visit
What a shame our Library trip had to be cancelled and even more so when the sun eventually decided to shine! However, it was bitterly cold and the last thing we wanted was to get stuck in the rain having to walk back. Luckily Denise from Papanui Library came to us instead and we enjoyed some Maori legends, some songs and the chance to have a go at some printmaking. These are going to be turned into a korowai, so stay tuned to see this in the coming days!

Papanui High School Visit
Fingers crossed the sun will shine for us on Friday - however we do have a back up postponement date of Friday 28th. Please send children with a warm jacket and hat (many turned up for the walk on Monday with no jacket!!!)

Classroom Release
Tuesday morning - Room 19 have PE with Mr Lukes

Library day: Friday Remember your books!

Poetry day: Friday Please bring poem folders to school. Many children are still not bringing these back to school.

Staffing Update
This week we continue to have Ms Kelk relieving in Kohara with Mrs Hull relieving on Friday.
Mrs Campbell says thank you for all the kind messages of support and has enjoyed reading letters and cards from the children.

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