Monday, 24 August 2015

Week 6 (24-28 August)

Kohara would like to welcome Isla to our class. It is so lovely having Isla in Kohara and the other children have been really kind at welcoming her and showing her around. Isla and her family have returned to Christchurch from Scotland - welcome to Waimairi :)

We are enjoying having Mrs Campbell back in class - the children were very excited to see her smiley face again last week. This week Mrs Campbell will continue to teach in the mornings and Ms Kelk is teaching in the afternoons.

Classroom Release
Room 19 children have Mr Lukes for PE on Tuesday morning from 9-10.30.

Reading Book Returns
HELP!!!! Our reading returns basket is overflowing! We would dearly love a volunteer or two to help us out with returning these to the book room please. Remember this can be done any time that suits you - no training needed, we are happy to show you what to do. Or if you have five minutes and can grab a small pile to ease the load, that would also be fabulous!

Staff Professional Development
This term Mrs O and Mrs Campbell are involved in a teacher inquiry into mathematics learning. As part of this inquiry, we will be attending a professional development opportunity on Thursday afternoon. Ms Kelk and Mrs Stoddart will be teaching in Kohara during this time.

Friday Performance
On Friday morning we will be attending a performance based around the legend Maui and the Sun. This ties in beautifully with our Arts focus this term on Maori Myths and Legends.

Spelling Group
Please remember your spelling notebooks on Friday - a number of children are not bringing these which mean they miss out on their testing and new words for the following week. Parents - we would appreciate your assistance in reminding children to do this.

Upcoming Dates
Thursday 3 September - Orders for Food Wrap/Baking Paper/Tin Foil close (PTA fundraiser)

Thursday 10 September - School Photos

Tuesday 15 September - PTA Meeting 7.30pm New members most welcome (meet in the library)

Thursday 17 September - Celebration/Arts Finale pop up day in the city

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