Welcome to Week 3 :)
Cupcake Day
On Monday 6 August we are raising money for the SPCA Cupcake Day. You may like to help by bringing along cupcakes for the school to sell before school or by purchasing cupcakes instead! Bring along some gold coins and help support the student council in their initiative.
Monday Meet Up
There will be a big birthday catch up for all children who have had birthdays either in the holidays or during the last two weeks or for those celebrating this week.
Classroom Release Time
Room 19 children only will have CRT this week. They will have Art with Mrs McHaffie on Tuesday afternoon from 1.30-3pm.
Poetry Folders & Reading Folders
Please encourage your child to return these before school, out from school bags and into the poetry boxes or reading folders go into tote trays. This saves valuable learning time for the children as it means we don't have to wait on them to go and locate them from their school bags. Thanks for your help with this.
The same applies for library books which can be returned anytime before Friday into our yellow library box. This has moved since our change around last week - you'll now find it under the teachers chair on the mat!
School Closed Next Wednesday 15th August
If anyone is having difficulty finding childcare for next Wednesday 15th August whilst the school is closed due to the upcoming teacher's strike, the Bryndwr After School Care programme which operates at the site across the road from school on Blighs Road is opening extended hours that day from 7am to 6pm. If you need a casual booking for the day, feel free to give Julie a ring to see if they have any available spaces left.
Thank You
A huge thank you to Simone (Tess's Mum) who has done a mammoth job of returning our pile of reading books. If anyone else can spare some time this week, we would appreciate your time to return the books over to the reading room.
Have a great week :)
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