Sunday, 19 August 2018

Week 5 (20-24 August)

Welcome to Week 5 :)

Classroom Release Time
This week Room 19 children have Art with Mrs McHaffie on Wednesday morning 9-10.30am.

Maths Week
We had a great time exploring maths in many different contexts last Friday. Children from our Rakaia River team were able to choose which maths activities they wished to do. We discovered maths in outside games and sports - estimating, distance and measurement, counting, and addition. Some children made toast or fairy bread where they explored fractions, played board games, explored maths in the home, read maths related picture books, bought and sold things in our shop using money, prices, and addition as well as giving change. There was also a lot of maths related art going on with symmetrical potato prints and shape art. A huge thank you to our Rakaia River parents and grandparents who came along and lent a hand - it was so lovely to see the children so enthused about maths.

Please send library books along before Friday.

Mainland Football
Our Mainland Football group will have their next session with Steve Hoyle on Friday.

Craft Club
This runs on Tuesday lunchtimes from 12.45pm in Room 22. All children are welcome.

Reading Book Returns
Thanks to our lovely helpers over the last couple of weeks for putting our class reading books away. If anyone is able to lend a hand this week (anytime from Monday after school onwards) we would really appreciate it.

PTA Meeting
This Tuesday 21st August we have our next PTA meeting at 7pm in the library. We are looking for a few new members and it would be great to have a few more representatives from our junior classes so if you're interested please come along. We'd love to see you.

Hell's Pizza Lunch
Orders for the Hell's Pizza lunch have now closed. Thanks to those who supported the PTA with this initiative. We know the children are looking forward to their pizzas for lunch on Wednesday 29th August (next week).

Have a great week :)

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