Monday, 30 November 2015

Dominoes Maths

Isaac, Uzziel, Aleah, Honour and Hugo have been having lots of fun using dominoes for maths. We have discovered lots of mathematical thinking just by playing dominoes or using them in different ways. We learnt how to play the traditional game of dominoes where you have to match the dot patterns at the ends. We also found lots of dominoes that had doubles like 3+3=6 or 6+6=12. We have also been using these for practising our basic facts by adding the different end numbers together.
You might like to have a go at this game at home - you could make your own set of dominoes like Ben is doing for his project in Kohara, print off some of the internet or use the ones that many children were collecting from Countdown!

Week 8 (30 Nov - 4 Dec)

Gosh the weeks are positively flying by now!!

Library books are all due back by this Friday 4 December at the very latest! There will be no more issues of new books.

This is the last week for spelling. We will finish with our usual Friday testing at the end of the week so please remember to bring your notebooks to school if you are one of Mrs O's spellers.

Junior Disco, this Friday 4 December. 6-7pm. $2 entry. Optional dress up in Christmas theme. All children must be collected from inside the hall by an adult.

Athletics Day
This Thursday 3 December from 11-12.30pm. Children can wear sports mufti on the day and it would be helpful if they could please wear a top in the colour of their team (this was on the previous notice sent home last week). We will also run our previously postponed relays at 12.30 for those children who were chosen to represent Kohara.

Sausage Sizzle
There will be a sausage sizzle on athletics day - pre-orders will be taken on the Wednesday. They will be $2 per sausage and the children can also order extras for other family members if they wish. Please have money at school on Wednesday if you wish to order.

On Thursday afternoon following athletics, the junior school are also having a triathlon. This is optional but it would be great to see most of Kohara having a go! This involves running/walking once round the school field, biking or scootering around the courts and swimming/walking one length of the school pool. There was a notice sent home last week regarding this - please send back the slip at the bottom if your child would like to take part asap (or you can email Tracy or Monique). The children will need to have their togs, bike or scooter, helmet etc at school on the day if they are taking part.

This Wednesday Mrs Campbell and Mrs O are out of the classroom with our mathematics teacher inquiry group so Ms Kelk and Tania Stott will be relieving in Kohara.

Children must have togs at school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This is essential for our teaching of specific groups - if children forget their togs, they may miss their instructional teaching group for the week.

Reading Books
Please continue to find these at home and return these to our grey reading container in R18. It's great to see stacks of books being returned :)

Friday, 27 November 2015

Lost Sweatshirt

Brock Marshall has lost his sweat top!! It has Marshall written on the inside label. If it has turned up at your house can you please return it to school.
Many thanks
Tracy and Monique

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Reminders for Friday 27 November

All library books are now due back at school for stocktaking. Please send books along tomorrow (Friday) to be returned. There are no more issues this year.

Spelling day (Friday)
Please encourage children to have their spelling notebooks at school for Mrs O's spelling group (the children will know if this applies to them).

Swimming Day! Please send togs along.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Week 7 (23-27 November)

A busy and physically active week this week!

Swimming days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please have your togs and towel at school on these days. Optional lunch time swim on a Wednesday as well.

In the lead up to our Junior Athletic Sports/Triathlon on Thursday 3 December we have two practise days this week on Monday and Thursday. Children will need suitable footwear for running, throwing and jumping!

The weather is forecast to be hot this week. Please ensure sunhats are at school every day.

Kapa Haka on Wednesday

Spelling testing on Friday
Please bring your notebooks ready for testing.

All library books need to be returned please. There will be no new books issued for the rest of the term. We would also be grateful for all class reading books to be returned to the grey container in R18 please.

Ms Jill Kelk is relieving for Mrs Campbell on Monday and Thursday this week.

Classroom Release
Room 18 have PE with Mr Lukes on Tuesday 9-10.30am
Room 19 have Athletics with Mrs McHaffie on Thursday 1.30-3pm

Chicken Pox
This is continuing to do the rounds in Kohara...

Upcoming Dates
Thursday 3 December Junior Athletic Sports and Triathlon
Friday 4 December Christmas Disco (Juniors 6-7pm)

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Honour's Gloopy Glue

Honour the scientist made some fabulous gloopy glue using cornflour, water and red food colouring. She discovered that when you put your hand in the bowl it felt solid but when you lifted it up it turned into liquid! How cool to make an experiment that is both a liquid and a solid at the same time!! I wonder what makes it do this????

Week 6 (16-20 November)

Swimming has now started. Kohara will have class swimming times on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays weather permitting but please ensure togs are at school just in case! Sometimes the weather improves in time for our sessions in the pool. There is also an optional lunchtime swim opportunity on a Wednesday lunchtime for Year 1 and 2 children.

Classroom Release
Room 18 have PE with Mr Lukes Monday 9-10.30am
Room 19 have Art with Mrs McHaffie Thursday 9-10.30am

Kapa Haka continues on Wednesdays.

Now is the time to hunt out all your library books to return to school. Books will cease to be issued after this week as ALL books are required back for end of year stocktake. Please have a good search at home for these - they can be put in our class library containers any time - you don't need to wait for Friday library day.

Notebooks needed on Friday for testing please. No notebook means no new words for the following week.

ALL children should now have a blue wide brimmed sunhat at school every day. Caps are not a suitable alternative as they do not offer children enough sun protection.

We have so many interesting projects on the go in Kohara at the moment - Bubbling wizard's brew, gloopy glue, ice cream sundaes, two storey house designs, sketching books, paper mache, and maths board games to name a few! Many of our finished projects are also on display on our trophy cabinet in class - check them out next time you're passing by!

Upcoming Dates
Christmas disco on Friday December 4th. Christmas dress up optional. Juniors from 6-7pm, seniors from 7.15-8.15pm.

Chocolate Sundae by Aleah

Denise and me made a banana sundae. It had ice cream, banana, 100s and 1000s and chocolate sauce. It was delicious. It tasted like peach. We made 2 sundaes and the others ate Denise's so i shared it with Denise.

By Aleah.

The Block Challenge by Lidia

For the block challenge it was a pineapple. Me, Isla and Keira made it. Isla and Mrs Campbell thought that pineapples grow on trees but they actually grow on something like a bush. I knew that because Brigitte showed me a picture on her phone. They don't grow in New Zealand because it is not warm enough. Josie said they grow in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

The Tooth by Layla'h

The Tooth

My tooth fell out. Tonight I am going put my tooth under my pillow... but the tooth fairy did not take my tooth! The next night.......  I had more money. I had $2 plus another $2 equals $4. Thank you tooth fairy. I had a hot chocolate and Charley too because I shared my money.

By Layla'h

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Week 5 (9-12 November)

Hola and welcome to Week 5. Hard to believe we are halfway through the last term!

Monday Meet Up
Kohara are performing a farewell song for Sue Lynch at this week's meet up. All children need to be seated in the hall by 8.50am sharp please. Kohara will need to be seated near the back of the hall.

No Touch rugby this week due to Cup Day (Tuesday)

Showtime Performance
Kohara will get a chance to watch the Showtime Performance on Wednesday afternoon. We are looking forward to seeing some talented Waimairi performers on stage with their version of Beauty and the Beast. Maybe it will inspire some of our children to have a go next year when they are Year 3!

Canterbury Anniversary Day - Friday
This Friday is our Anniversary Day. School will be closed.

Please send library books to school on Thursday this week and we will try and see if we can find an available time to exchange our books.

Spelling testing will be on Thursday this week.

Kapa Haka
Kapa Haka is on Wednesdays 12-12.30pm

Class swimming starts from next week. Kohara will have swimming on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All children must have their togs and towel at school on these days. Even if the weather is a bit cooler, please bring them and we will make a decision on the day as to whether we go swimming. The pool is heated and often the weather warms up in time for our swimming session!
Families can still purchase a key for the school pool from the office if they wish. $70 for the summer season for those who can assist on the roster.

Reading Books
As we head into the end of the year, now is a great time to hunt out school reading books and return them, no questions asked. Please just pop any books in the grey container by the teachers chair in Mrs Campbell's end of the class. We appreciate books being returned so that other classes and groups can use them.

Chicken Pox
Chicken pox is doing the rounds at Waimairi at the moment.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Monday Meet Up Performance

Just to let you know that on Monday 9th November all of Kohara will be singing a farewell song for Sue Lynch as she is retiring next week after 25 years at Waimairi School. We would love it if you could come along and join with the school in saying our goodbyes. It will be starting at 8.50am in the hall.

Chicken Pox

Chicken pox is doing the rounds at the moment!

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Week 4 (2-6 November)

Classroom Release
This week the Room 19 children have Art with Mrs McHaffie on Wednesday from 11-12pm.

Athletic Relays
Due to the postponement of the senior athletics last week, the relays have been rescheduled for this Thursday at 2.30pm on the school field. We have a small number of children from Kohara taking part in the relay competition against the Year 2 children from Te Wairua but we will all be involved by supporting our classmates and encouraging those participating.

Parent Interviews
This term we will continue to meet with whanau of those children who are due for their final anniversary reports for the year. We will be in touch over the term if this applies to you.

Children must have their spelling notebooks at school ready for testing on Friday. There is a large number of children regularly not bringing their notebooks which means they are unable to be tested or get new words for the following week. Please encourage children to leave their notebooks in their bags so that they can also use them during the week to practise at school.

All children are now expected to have a navy wide brimmed sunhat at school. This is particularly important now the weather is starting to heat up.

The school pool will be open from Monday 16th November onwards. Our children will have class swimming times on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Can children please have their swimming togs and towel in a named bag at school from Monday 16 November.
Families can also purchase a keep for the school pool to use outside of school time and these go on sale at the school office from this week. $70 for those willing to help on the roster (typically 2 or 3 nights over the summer season putting the pool cover on and checking the pool area is tidy) or $100 for those not able to assist with the roster. This includes a bond of $20 which you get back at the end of the season.

Wednesday - Kapa Haka

Friday - Library Day
            - Poetry folders needed

Upcoming dates
A reminder that next Friday 13 November is Canterbury Anniversary day and school is closed for this public holiday.

Have a great week :)