Sunday, 1 November 2015

Week 4 (2-6 November)

Classroom Release
This week the Room 19 children have Art with Mrs McHaffie on Wednesday from 11-12pm.

Athletic Relays
Due to the postponement of the senior athletics last week, the relays have been rescheduled for this Thursday at 2.30pm on the school field. We have a small number of children from Kohara taking part in the relay competition against the Year 2 children from Te Wairua but we will all be involved by supporting our classmates and encouraging those participating.

Parent Interviews
This term we will continue to meet with whanau of those children who are due for their final anniversary reports for the year. We will be in touch over the term if this applies to you.

Children must have their spelling notebooks at school ready for testing on Friday. There is a large number of children regularly not bringing their notebooks which means they are unable to be tested or get new words for the following week. Please encourage children to leave their notebooks in their bags so that they can also use them during the week to practise at school.

All children are now expected to have a navy wide brimmed sunhat at school. This is particularly important now the weather is starting to heat up.

The school pool will be open from Monday 16th November onwards. Our children will have class swimming times on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Can children please have their swimming togs and towel in a named bag at school from Monday 16 November.
Families can also purchase a keep for the school pool to use outside of school time and these go on sale at the school office from this week. $70 for those willing to help on the roster (typically 2 or 3 nights over the summer season putting the pool cover on and checking the pool area is tidy) or $100 for those not able to assist with the roster. This includes a bond of $20 which you get back at the end of the season.

Wednesday - Kapa Haka

Friday - Library Day
            - Poetry folders needed

Upcoming dates
A reminder that next Friday 13 November is Canterbury Anniversary day and school is closed for this public holiday.

Have a great week :)

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