Monday, 30 November 2015

Week 8 (30 Nov - 4 Dec)

Gosh the weeks are positively flying by now!!

Library books are all due back by this Friday 4 December at the very latest! There will be no more issues of new books.

This is the last week for spelling. We will finish with our usual Friday testing at the end of the week so please remember to bring your notebooks to school if you are one of Mrs O's spellers.

Junior Disco, this Friday 4 December. 6-7pm. $2 entry. Optional dress up in Christmas theme. All children must be collected from inside the hall by an adult.

Athletics Day
This Thursday 3 December from 11-12.30pm. Children can wear sports mufti on the day and it would be helpful if they could please wear a top in the colour of their team (this was on the previous notice sent home last week). We will also run our previously postponed relays at 12.30 for those children who were chosen to represent Kohara.

Sausage Sizzle
There will be a sausage sizzle on athletics day - pre-orders will be taken on the Wednesday. They will be $2 per sausage and the children can also order extras for other family members if they wish. Please have money at school on Wednesday if you wish to order.

On Thursday afternoon following athletics, the junior school are also having a triathlon. This is optional but it would be great to see most of Kohara having a go! This involves running/walking once round the school field, biking or scootering around the courts and swimming/walking one length of the school pool. There was a notice sent home last week regarding this - please send back the slip at the bottom if your child would like to take part asap (or you can email Tracy or Monique). The children will need to have their togs, bike or scooter, helmet etc at school on the day if they are taking part.

This Wednesday Mrs Campbell and Mrs O are out of the classroom with our mathematics teacher inquiry group so Ms Kelk and Tania Stott will be relieving in Kohara.

Children must have togs at school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This is essential for our teaching of specific groups - if children forget their togs, they may miss their instructional teaching group for the week.

Reading Books
Please continue to find these at home and return these to our grey reading container in R18. It's great to see stacks of books being returned :)

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