Sunday, 8 November 2015

Week 5 (9-12 November)

Hola and welcome to Week 5. Hard to believe we are halfway through the last term!

Monday Meet Up
Kohara are performing a farewell song for Sue Lynch at this week's meet up. All children need to be seated in the hall by 8.50am sharp please. Kohara will need to be seated near the back of the hall.

No Touch rugby this week due to Cup Day (Tuesday)

Showtime Performance
Kohara will get a chance to watch the Showtime Performance on Wednesday afternoon. We are looking forward to seeing some talented Waimairi performers on stage with their version of Beauty and the Beast. Maybe it will inspire some of our children to have a go next year when they are Year 3!

Canterbury Anniversary Day - Friday
This Friday is our Anniversary Day. School will be closed.

Please send library books to school on Thursday this week and we will try and see if we can find an available time to exchange our books.

Spelling testing will be on Thursday this week.

Kapa Haka
Kapa Haka is on Wednesdays 12-12.30pm

Class swimming starts from next week. Kohara will have swimming on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All children must have their togs and towel at school on these days. Even if the weather is a bit cooler, please bring them and we will make a decision on the day as to whether we go swimming. The pool is heated and often the weather warms up in time for our swimming session!
Families can still purchase a key for the school pool from the office if they wish. $70 for the summer season for those who can assist on the roster.

Reading Books
As we head into the end of the year, now is a great time to hunt out school reading books and return them, no questions asked. Please just pop any books in the grey container by the teachers chair in Mrs Campbell's end of the class. We appreciate books being returned so that other classes and groups can use them.

Chicken Pox
Chicken pox is doing the rounds at Waimairi at the moment.

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