Sunday, 22 November 2015

Week 7 (23-27 November)

A busy and physically active week this week!

Swimming days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please have your togs and towel at school on these days. Optional lunch time swim on a Wednesday as well.

In the lead up to our Junior Athletic Sports/Triathlon on Thursday 3 December we have two practise days this week on Monday and Thursday. Children will need suitable footwear for running, throwing and jumping!

The weather is forecast to be hot this week. Please ensure sunhats are at school every day.

Kapa Haka on Wednesday

Spelling testing on Friday
Please bring your notebooks ready for testing.

All library books need to be returned please. There will be no new books issued for the rest of the term. We would also be grateful for all class reading books to be returned to the grey container in R18 please.

Ms Jill Kelk is relieving for Mrs Campbell on Monday and Thursday this week.

Classroom Release
Room 18 have PE with Mr Lukes on Tuesday 9-10.30am
Room 19 have Athletics with Mrs McHaffie on Thursday 1.30-3pm

Chicken Pox
This is continuing to do the rounds in Kohara...

Upcoming Dates
Thursday 3 December Junior Athletic Sports and Triathlon
Friday 4 December Christmas Disco (Juniors 6-7pm)

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