Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Week 6 (16-20 November)

Swimming has now started. Kohara will have class swimming times on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays weather permitting but please ensure togs are at school just in case! Sometimes the weather improves in time for our sessions in the pool. There is also an optional lunchtime swim opportunity on a Wednesday lunchtime for Year 1 and 2 children.

Classroom Release
Room 18 have PE with Mr Lukes Monday 9-10.30am
Room 19 have Art with Mrs McHaffie Thursday 9-10.30am

Kapa Haka continues on Wednesdays.

Now is the time to hunt out all your library books to return to school. Books will cease to be issued after this week as ALL books are required back for end of year stocktake. Please have a good search at home for these - they can be put in our class library containers any time - you don't need to wait for Friday library day.

Notebooks needed on Friday for testing please. No notebook means no new words for the following week.

ALL children should now have a blue wide brimmed sunhat at school every day. Caps are not a suitable alternative as they do not offer children enough sun protection.

We have so many interesting projects on the go in Kohara at the moment - Bubbling wizard's brew, gloopy glue, ice cream sundaes, two storey house designs, sketching books, paper mache, and maths board games to name a few! Many of our finished projects are also on display on our trophy cabinet in class - check them out next time you're passing by!

Upcoming Dates
Christmas disco on Friday December 4th. Christmas dress up optional. Juniors from 6-7pm, seniors from 7.15-8.15pm.

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