Monday 27 February 2017

Week 5 (28 Feb-3 Mar)

Welcome to Week 5.

Classroom Release
Room 19 have Art with Mrs McHaffie on Tuesday from 9-10.30am.

Junior Swimming Sports
We hope you can pop along to see our Kohara kids showcasing their swimming and enjoying a variety of water confidence games on Wednesday 1 March between 11.45 and 12.30pm in the school pool. Postponement day is Friday 3 March if the weather is unsuitable.

Reading Book Returns
Thank you to our wonderful helpers who have been returning our reading books to the reading room for us - your time is greatly appreciated.

Reading Folders
It is fabulous to see almost all children remembering their reading folders each day. These go in tote trays in the morning before school each day. Poetry folders of in the green boxes down the Room 19 end of Kohara.

Staff Professional Development Day
On Thursday both Mrs Campbell and Mrs O will be attending a professional development day over at Casebook Intermediate. Ms Jill Kelk and Ms Tania Stott will be teaching in Kohara for the day. Both Jill and Tania are regular relievers in Kohara and know the routines well so we look forward to welcoming them back to Kohara.

Parent Interviews
We are enjoying catching up with you all at our meet the teacher interviews. Don't forget you are most welcome to send us an email or pop in before or after school to chat if you ever have any concerns or just want to ask a question.

Lunchtime swim (optional) for Year 1/2 children on Tuesday.
Junior swimming sports on Wednesday.
Class swimming on Friday.
Please pack the togs this week - especially on Wednesday as we would love to see ALL our Kohara children participating in our junior swimming sports. Remember to pack a pair of pyjamas for the children for our fun PJ race on Wednesday too!

Library day is Friday

Kapa Haka is on Tuesday

Craft Club/Sewing Club is on Tuesday lunchtime.

Have a great week :)

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