Sunday 20 August 2017

Week 5 (21-25 August)

Welcome to Week 5 :)

Welcome to Mrs Lynda Wilson and Mrs Anne McHaffie who are relieving in Kohara on Monday due to sickness.

Classroom Release Time
Both classes have PE with Mr Lukes on Tuesday - Room 18 from 9-10.30am and Room 19 from 11-12.30pm.

Spelling notebooks should be sent home on Monday - for those who remembered their books last week, your new words are in there ready for you.

The Arts
We had a great discussion last week about what the 'heart of Waimairi' looks and feels like for the Kohara children. It was really neat to hear the things they identify as special to them and we are looking forward to putting these ideas together to represent "A Day in the Life of A Kohara Kid" starring our talented children! Parents - you might also like to share with your child, what makes Waimairi School special to you or what represents the heart of our school for your family.

We have been continuing to enjoy measuring things around the classroom, including ourselves. We even have some fabulous looking measurement monsters on display. We have been using metres and centimetres as well as non standard measurement like how many cubes or iceblock sticks... Have you found anything to measure at home?

Reading Book Returns
Thank you so much to our book fairy who helped us out last week to return the huge pile of books for us. You are a star!!!! If anyone else has a few minutes once a week and can help out, please let us know as we'd love to share the load so it's not always the same people doing it. It's a pretty straight forward job and we can help you out by explaining what to do.

Lunchtime Clubs
Monday - French Club (12.30pm with lunch in He Tangata)
              - Chess Club (12.45pm in Room 21)
Tuesday - Craft Club (12.45pm in Room 21)
Thursday - Art Club (12.45 in Room 21)

Spelling Day 
Please remember the spelling notebooks for Thursday testing.
If you forgot last week, please revise last weeks words over the week.

Library Day
Please return library books to the class library book container before Friday. We are loving all the children who are remembering their library bags as well.

Lost Property
There is a lot of winter jackets currently in the lost property basket in the hall entrance. These were out on display last week - if you are missing a jacket, it could well be in there.

PTA News
Upcoming Dates...
Hells Pizza lunch orders coming up on Wednesday 30 August. Watch out for more details coming soon.

The Big Event - 15 September, adults only. Mixed tape 80s and 90s night. Book the babysitter and get your retro outfits sorted. This is going to be an amazing night. Tickets will be on sale towards the end of the month $25 per person which includes supper. This is the PTA's main fundraiser for the year so grab a group of mates and dust off your dancing shoes.

Movie Night (sorry only for the older siblings Year 3-6)
Friday 1 September in the hall starting at 6pm (Home Alone). Entry by can donation for the City Mission.

Coffee Shop
We are loving the recent changes to the coffee shop that Julie and Vanessa have been making. Did you know that we no longer offer straws, and have changed to more environmentally friendly coffee cups? You can also purchase reuseable cups (great range of designs available) in two different size options - great for the regular patrons! A huge thanks also to our friendly PTA volunteers who give up their time to assist Julie and Vanessa - it really is a great team effort.

Have a great week :)

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