Sunday 13 May 2018

Week 3 (14-18 May)

Welcome to Week 3 :)

Mrs Campbell is away on Wednesday and Thursday this week. We welcome Ms Jill Kelk to Kohara for those two days.

Pink Shirt Day
This Friday 18 May is Pink Shirt Day to raise awareness of Bullying Free NZ Week. The donation is to pay someone a compliment during the day (no money required!) It would be great to see the children in a pink shirt (or maybe red if they can't locate anything pink).

Sewing/Craft Club 
This is now running at lunchtimes on Tuesdays in Room 22 (by the hall) starting at 12.45pm after the children have finished eating lunch. All children are welcome. Last week the children painted special rocks for Mothers Day.

Reading Book Returns
We would love some helpers to put away some reading books for us - there is a rather large pile on the bench in the blue tray (down Room 18 end). If anyone has a few minutes to spare before pick up or after drop off in the mornings we would love your help with this please. Thanks to our lovely mums who have already sorted these into colour coded piles the other day.

Library day is Friday. Remember books can be returned any day and put into the yellow library containers in the middle space. If your child is not bringing home library books, please let us know as it may be they have overdues that haven't been returned.

Poetry Folders and Reading Folders
Please help us in reminding the children that Poetry folders should be returned on Monday mornings to the green poetry boxes on top of the tote trays and reading folders should be put in their tote trays every morning before school. We are finding we are having to wait in our reading group time for children to locate their folders which is wasting their instructional reading time. Many children are also telling us they don't have their folder at school - please hunt these out and send them to school.

Blend of the Week
This week our blend is th. The children love this one as you poke your tongue out to make the sound!! Look for words in the reading books this week that start with th - there are many high frequency words that start with this blend... the, this, that, then, there, they. How many others can you find? Have a go at writing/spelling these words. You might even think of some words that have th  on the end like with.

Lost Property
As winter approaches, please check that school jerseys are well named. This makes it much easier to return items to the right person.

PTA Meeting
This Tuesday the PTA are meeting at 7pm in the school library. If you've thought about coming along or just want to find out more about what we do, then please feel free to come along and join us. There are a number of familiar faces from Kohara there.

The next PTA fundraiser is helping out at the drinks station at the upcoming Christchurch Marathon on Sunday 3 June (Queens Birthday weekend). This year we only need 12 helpers for the morning from approximately 7.30am to 11am. If you could help out, please let Monique know.

Kapa Haka
Junior kapa haka is on Tuesday after lunch.

Have great week :)

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