Sunday 29 July 2018

Week 2 (30 July- 3 Aug)

Welcome to Week 2 :)

Classroom Release Time
On Wednesday afternoon Room 18 will have PE with Mr Lukes and Room 19 children will have Art with Mrs McHaffie.

Mainland Football
A group of children from Kohara have the opportunity to attend some football skills sessions on a Friday for the next few weeks (11.45-12.30pm) with Stephen Hoyle from Mainland Football. The children indicated if they wanted to participate and from this we have chosen a group, giving preference to children who are not currently playing for a team on a Saturday. Unfortunately for this opportunity we are restricted with numbers - your child will know later in the week if they are taking part. They won't require anything other than normal sneakers.

Our class library day is Friday. Books/library bags can be returned anytime into our yellow containers in the middle space of Kohara.

Reading Folders
Please ensure children have these at school every day.These need to be put in their tote trays in the classroom before school please.

Art Inquiry
After our Art ignition last Monday, we created a moment in time from our holidays using a choice of mediums (paint, pastel, chalk, felts, crayons, sketching or plasticene). On Friday we set our art up like an art gallery and viewed the art to find one we really liked. We shared why we liked it and some of our reasons included: the colours, the shapes, the details used, it looked realistic or it reminded us of a special memory. We learnt that sometimes what we see and feel is not always the same as what the artist intended but that's perfectly fine! Here is a selection of some of our holiday art...

Last week we viewed art by a dutch artist Piet Mondrian. This linked in well with some of our maths groups that have been looking at 2D shapes as his work uses rectangles and squares. We noticed he used the primary colours (red, yellow and blue) to colour in some but not all of his shapes. We thought this made the colours pop and stand out more.

We explored making our own art using the same geometric shapes but choosing any three colours to create an effect. For our first attempts we used pastels. This week children can opt into having another go using a different medium instead.

Kapa Haka
Tuesday 1.30-2pm.

Craft Club
Tuesday lunchtimes in Room 22 from 12.45-1.30pm.

Have a great week :)

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